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The verb 'to Possibilitate' was known to be in common usage during the 1800s but then gradually lost its appeal.
We think the term 'to Possibilitate' is coming back into action these days, out of sheer necessity.
Thus we discover an additional term: 'Possibilitator', meaning 'one who possibilitates'. Adding the capital 'P' to the term means that 'a Possibilitator possibilitates consciously', that is, 'a Possibilitator possibilitates in the service of conscious Purposes'.
The term 'Possibilitator' is needed now. It is already being used in certain circles.
A Possibilitator is the name of a character or a profession, like plumber, midwife, initiator, Earth guardian, gameworld builder, etc.
We need Possibilitators now perhaps more than ever before, people who are not daunted by the apparent hopelessness of current circumstances and, more than that, can actually do something about it.
A Possibilitator is a Radically Responsible edgeworker skilled in the tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory and Healing Processes of Possibility Management, and can prove in each moment the claim that, "Something completely different from this is possible right now."
Perhaps you are a Possibilitator... and you just did not have the name for it before.
A 'Possibility Manager' applies the Tools, Thoughtmaps, Processes, and Distinctions they have gained from Possibility Management in their daily life and affaires. In general, a Possibility Manager loves Possibility Management.
A 'Possibilitator' has transformed Possibility Management into their evolutionary Path by Committing to themselves to participate in 10 Possibility Labs. In so doing they have joined a close-knit global community of fellow Possibilitators around the world on this archetypal journey called Possibilitator Training.
How can a Commitment make such a difference?
My making a Commitment to yourself, you Take A Stand for your own Transformational adventure beyond the understanding of modern-culture Thoughtware. Nobody can make this Commitment for you. On the other hand, nobody can stop you from Committing.
But, why is a Commitment needed?
Because there will be both inner and outer obstacles along the Path. If you are not Committed, the first obstacle will stop you.
A Commitment changes your shape. The Universe treats a Committed person with more respect than someone who is not Committed.
You are a different person before and after your Commitment. After your Commitment, you are someone who is already Committed.
But, what if I am afraid to Commit? What if I am not sure I can keep the Commitment? What if I don't know how?
Then you have Clarity about your first obstacles!
You can learn to Commit first, before you know how to do it.
After all, 'Know How' is rare stuff. The Universe conserves Know How.
If you were the Universe, would you give Know How to someone who was not already Committed? I don't think so.
Possibilitator Practices
The daily life of a Possibilitator derives it power from dancing around expanding a Context of clear Distinctions.
Distinctions are NOT beliefs, assumptions, expectations, projections, or conclusions.
Distinctions are laws of Transformation in 5 Domains.
"One woman's magic is another woman's distinctions."
There are perhaps thousands of Distinctions already used in Possibility Management.
The entire Toolbox of PM Distinctions is yours for the taking. They are open code thoughtware for next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that naturally emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Clarity ignites unquenchable inspiration because it unveils the Possibility of entering experiential reality and taking nonlinear actions.
Clarity is a Bright Principle, an unlimited archetypal resource that cannot be commodified.
Clarity is the currency of next culture economics.
As with any tool, your Distinctions are only as useful as you are.
The steps along a Possibilitator's Path are made through personal research and practice.
The global network of Possibilitators is a collaborating Research Team.
Here are some core Possibilitator distinctions:
CHALLENGE: See how thoroughly you can make them part of your world.
Possibilitator Service Theory
Based on the book: Theory and Practice of Dialogical Community Development by Peter Westoby and Gerard Dowling
We begin by investigating what Training is:
- Training is a mutual relationship where both the Trainer and the Trainee are trained.
- Training is participatory and democratic in methodology.
- Training is not neutral: it is oriented to serving the needs of specific sectors of society.
- Training attempts to advance social change activism towards a more participatory and democratic next culture.
- Training is much more, therefore, than political act or pedagogical action. Training is Transformational action.
With this Training genealogy as a foundation, we feel more than comfortable talking about Training for Transformation.
Martin Buber’s use of the term ‘Possibilitator’ (Yalom 1980: 409) has also been appropriated to describe the kind of change agents that are to be supported through such Transformational Training.
Part of our strategy for building a just world - shifting to Archiarchy from Patriarchy - is to nurture a network of people understood as Possibilitators, who are skilled as catalysts for Transformative work.
Through our experience we have realized that what is crucial to effective community development is not lots of money; neither is it buildings and infrastructure – clinics, schools, roads or water. Instead what is crucial is the quality, creativity, and Clarity of people who dream of a better world for their shanty-towns, neighborhoods or villages, and want to take some form of public, collective and Transformational action.
Our use of ‘Possibilitators’ is also informed, or more accurately inspired, by Derrida’s deconstructionist hope that the possibility of things is ‘sustained by their impossibility’ (Caputo 1997a: 32). For example, for Derrida, law that represents justice is something impossible to attain – once people believe they have arrived at law that represents justice, the dialogue about what law and justice mean and how they relate together becomes ossified. Injustice then triumphs.
Drawing on such a perspective then alludes to the impossibility of much of what is yearned for within a progressive and ethical project of community development.
It is the ongoing dialogue that is crucial — it is history unfolding. However, in highlighting such a proposition about impossibility, Derrida also proposes that the impossible remains possible — as a gift, a hope, a telos.
For us, change agents as Possibilitators signify the impossible dream of emancipation and yet the ongoing Commitment to working that dream out in dialogue and practice.
Furthermore, drawing on the Italian revolutionary Antonio Gramsci, such Possibilitators are imagined to be the ‘organic intellectuals’ of community life (Mayo 1999; Ledwith 2005).
They are people who dare to think and act differently in the face of the hegemony that determines how much of current social life is perceived and lived.
Many readers would possibly be more comfortable with the idea of ‘transformative leaders’. While happy to also use such a term, we prefer ‘organic intellectuals’ and ‘Possibilitators’ for the extent to which they signify slightly different intentions: that is, bringing second-order change that Transforms people's capacities not only to survive the current system but also to invent and inhabit new systems that make the existing systems irrelevant.
We propose that community development workers have an important role in providing a Transformational Training space, enabling Possibilitators and organic intellectuals to develop their dreaming and also their skills and strategies.
These change agents can model a new attitude, a new caring and a new vision. They are living.
One way is 'doing' – the way of the activist; the other way is 'being' – Simplicity, Silence, Presence, Attention, and conversation with others that can spark imagination.
Neither option in isolation is the 'correct way'; there is the need for both. Such a dual path cultivates both engagement with the world, and time taken out, alone or with others to re-imagine a new world.
Transformational Training embodies both.
The Training work of re-imagining can be nurtured almost anywhere. We have sat with groups of people in caravan parks in the suburbs, in garages beneath community organization offices, and under huge trees in Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. These are people’s Spaces.
We are not advocating a Training approach that creates Spaces disconnected from people’s Realities, or removed from their everyday Worlds. It is best if Possibilitators are not removed from their lived settings, so that the process of regaining imaginative literacy is connected to their daily endeavors.
Emotionally, the Training Spaces need to be 'safe'. A 'safe' Space does not mean that boundaries are not pushed, or that ‘givens’ are not destabilized. Training for Transformation can well be painful.
Nevertheless, the Training setting must be a consciously Held and Navigated Space in which people do not create the Story that they will be coerced or attacked. George Lakey (2010) refers to such a 'safe Space' as ‘the container’ (the 'athanor') arguing that: there are new inner and outer territories to explore, new inner and outer resources to jack-in to, outdated Thoughtware to Upgrade. People need to risk: to revise their conceptual framework, try a new skill, unlearn an old prejudice, and admit there’s something they don’t know. To risk, people need 'safety'. To 'be safe', they need a Team that supports them.
Geometrically, the Teams are usually Circles, disrupting tendencies for domination and therefore opening space for dialogue.
As University of Washington researcher Tracy Thompson puts it: in a well-functioning Circle, members experience a strong sense of belonging, a compelling commitment to shared goals, a high level of accountability to themselves and the group, a robust climate of joint problem solving and learning among peers, an intense feeling of involvement, and high trust relationships.
Note the emphasis on ‘well-functioning’, recognizing that while circles have the capacity to disrupt more hierarchical geometries (for example, triangles), there is no inevitability. Torus Technology requires skilled practice guided by clear methodologies.
Intellectually, the Space is alive with the dynamism of dialogue where ideas can be tested, assumptions identified, expectations deconstructed, judgements reconsidered, critical Feedback and Coaching exchanged, and Proposals negotiated — but with a Commitment to respectful dialogue rather than divisive debate.
In our experience, debate often only leads people into defending known territory and old ways of imagining.
Dialogue instead can facilitate deep listening, the letting go of non-essentials, and the appreciative consideration of new Possibilities.
This is the kind of Space in which Possibilitators imagine new ways of Transforming their worlds.
One story of dialogue and learning that has inspired us comes from the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship: This Fellowship has been gathering for several years within New Zealand and has focused on creating a learning community for social innovators as action-learners. They have based some of their learning practices on Peter Senge’s work, arguing that ‘a learning community happens best in an environment that encourages dialogue, feedback, contemplation and empowerment' (Hutchinson 2012: 66).
The core of their learning practice is enabled through regular retreats whereby social entrepreneurs come together and share their stories, peer mentor one another, and elicit feedback.
Importantly these retreats have been framed as dialogues, heavily influenced by David Bohm’s work and the idea of ‘the “U” of a social innovation dialogue’; which they understand as an allegory for a conversational Discovery journey.
This social innovation dialogue ‘U’ process involves moving through three phases:
- 5 Body Sensing – enabled through 5-Body check-in Circles, strategic Questioning, suspending judgements;
- Presencing – enabled through ‘letting go’ and ‘letting come’ (new inspiration/ideas); and
- Realizing — enabled through Discerning what is emerging, ‘crystallizing insights’, ‘prototyping new activities’.
When you create Circles that foster this kind of 5 Body / 4 Brain / 3 World, / 2 Drama / 1 Law resource Spaces, you enhance people's imaginative literacy. You unlock new Possibilities for people, enabling them to get unstuck and make steps out onto new ground.
Becoming A Possibilitator
It is what you are.
It is an identity.
It is a space... the space emerging from the context you consciously create and open for yourself as the platform for your living.
You step into the meeting space and the first thing you do is you own the room. All of it. The stale smell, the stained carpeting, buzzing lights, chipped Formica tables, flimsy flip-chart stand, broken markers and broken dreams. Every last detail. Whose room is this? It's MY room. Own it as it is. Nothing needs to be changed.
You locate the manager. You own him too. His anger, his positionality, his self-doubt, the pain-filled coffee-numbed memories of the lies he's told, of every battle he's been in, of every enemy he has faced like he faces today. His pain is your pain. His fear is your fear. Since you own him, you can do nothing but love him. And his assistant.
Same with the boss. Only, with the boss, you can take the next step. The boss has some kind of vision, or he wouldn't be the boss. Find out what that vision is and commit to it, whatever it is.
You do this instantly. You scan him and listen for commitment and align to that. It's a feeling you get. He is about being a winner, or having power in the space, or being cool, being a rescuer, being famous, receiving acknowledgment, being a hero, being superior, whatever it is. His commitment is your commitment.
He will get where you are as he senses your texture. You don't actually have to say anything to him about it. He is smart.
You know his commitment because you have all the same cravings and desires inside of you. You stop denying how similar you are, then tune into your body and find out where the two of you resonate. Then that's it. You make him an empowered ally by agreeing with him. Easy.
This is not about kissing his ass. He'll see that and hate you for it because it reminds him of his own smallness. Be with him being to being. Find out what his commitment is and commit to it so that he knows for certain. He gets that you are committed to what he is committed to. In this way, you have just owned him. You have just owned the boss.
Then get out of his way. Go get set up. Handle it impeccably. If you need something, get it. If you need something to happen, make it happen. Not like a jerk. Like a mature adult. Do not complain about ANYTHING. Even energetically. You are not a victim. Remember, all of this is yours. You set it up this way for yourself. If you want it different, make it different. There is no one to blame.
You are working all the time. Every move you make is the move of a Possibility Manager in action. No one here knows what that is, so you do not have to stay linear. You can require the unpredictable and assume it will be delivered. Every motion is an expression of the Principles that you serve working through you. It is not about you. If they sense that you are there, you are dead. Be dead to start with and then they can't make you out to be the enemy because you are not there.
Do not rush. Leave time for the unexpected. People will come around you to get some of what you have. Don't make them wait. Share your power without giving away your center. Your generosity will often be a surprise to them. Some of the excuses people use to get your attention will be ridiculous. Do not get hooked by the reasons. The purpose is always the same - to be touched by someone serving something greater than themselves. Be abundant with your attention. Not fawning. Straight and clean. There is no inauthenticity or pretense in making contact. Everything is valuable if you regard it with value.
So, it's time to start and there is still side-talking. The manager is busy letting everyone know that he owns you because he called you in for this meeting. You have to wait until he remembers you are there and gives you the floor.
If you are hooked by this simple power struggle you lose the space. Instantly. The truth is that you are not a victim of anything. You own the room. You are committed to what the boss is committed to, so rather than confronting the entity head on, you agree with it. You join the party. Without hesitating you start playing along with the conversation, only clearer, serving bigger purposes, providing more value, with more love.
You are there to heal the entire company, so you start now. Laugh while you take over the space. The glee is contagious. Soon enough the side-talk will cease so people can hear what you are saying, so people can be with you - because they want to be with you now. They want you. You are the doorway for their new possibility. And you are in action already. You've always been in action. You never stopped.
The whole group is there now, gawking at you. What do they want? What are they doing here at this meeting? They could be anywhere in the world right now, at the beach, at home with their kids, out playing golf, and here they are in this room with you. What do they want?
They want the Possibility and Clarity that you represent. They want you to be big. And they want you to love them. Speaking is fine. If you speak well, that's a bonus. But these people are not here for what you say. They can get that from a book or magazine article; they could get it off the net. These people are here for hope and distraction from their pain. Mostly they are here for you. They want your life.
That could scare the wits out of you. So many vampires after your powerful blood. So many witches wanting to mess with your sex energy and eat you up. So many nut-cases wanting to fool with your head and screw you sideways. This is all true. And it's only one way to look at it - the viewpoint of a victim.
You remember what it says in the Handbook: "A Possibilitator is not a Victim of anything..."
The way you see things is a matter of your own creation. You can have it any way you want it. Vampires, witches, nut-cases... it's all a matter of interpretation. Ask yourself, "Where is my center?" Bring your center back into your body and your intention back to your purpose. I am here to serve. I am here to make a difference. I am here to give it all away. This moment right now is the most important moment of my entire life. It is also the most important moment of their entire lives. What do I want to create with them here?
Speak to them directly. Look at them in the eyes and talk to them. Let the light shine through you. Speak the truth. It is okay to be way bigger than you "really" are. This is theater, but it is true theater, not false theater. This is not acting. It is shifting your identity. Give the juice to them. Include them with you as if they were your closest brothers and sisters. Care about them. You are not giving your power away, because it is not your power. It is the power of the Principles you serve. You are using that power, and you are giving your heart away, raw. Let them know you. Connect with them.
In your position it is tempting to act like you are clean and they are disgusting, like you know and they don't have the answers, like you are superior and they are all sick and broken. Don't go there. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Do not get sucked into serving your own Hidden Purpose.
Nothing is true, regardless of circumstances, regardless of the evidence. There is never a forgone conclusion. You can make it up however you want it. You have the power to reinvent these people by publicly reinventing your experience of them. You are not here to rescue victims of the hierarchical bureaucracy; you are here to declare the truth, to make Clarity and Possibility available. This is not a dirty boring job to do. This is your Destiny. You have earned this.
Do not shy away from the experience of your power and influence. It is okay. You are being held by a power far greater than you know. You are not doing this. It is happening through you. Open wide the channel and let the juice flow. You do not have to know what will come out of your mouth next. You are coaching intuitively. You do not have to be predictable. You do not have to justify your existence. You are the space through which the Principles that you serve do their work. These people want you to be big so that they can receive those gifts. They want you to be big so that they can have the Principles as their allies.
Speak for the people. Bring the background of their conversations into the foreground for them. Notice them. Be one of them so that their team includes you. You are the archetype of Possibility for them. If you are okay with the experience of being reinvented, then they can be too. If you can include them in a conversation that really works for everybody, then they get to see something they never experienced before: teamwork, bonding, camaraderie, a functioning configuration. Knowing that this kind of thing is truly possible is an immensely eye-opening gift.
Speak to them! Be in relationship with them. Say Hello! We are all in this together. Wake up about that. Your part is to be the focus of attention and to use this attention for something honorable, exciting and fun. Go ahead. People will do anything to serve a good King (or Queen). This is what they truly want - to dedicate themselves to following a good King. You do not have to know what you are doing in order to do it. If you can accept your own mistakes as no different from learning, so can they. And what a valuable lesson this is for them.
You are the spokesperson for Possibility. You are the catalyst for Clarity. You are the magician of delight. You are the gateway for the expression of their deepest concerns and longings.
Get off it! Get off your selfish pride. You still think that you have face to save? Forget about it. If you still had any face worth saving you would not be a Possibility Manager. Being concerned about saving face is just ego. Being big and present and relational is your proper position in the space - filling your post with impeccability. Being big is not presumptuous. Being shy and withdrawn and reasonable is presumptuous.
You are licensed to glow. You are certified to radiate. You no longer have to explain yourself. Work can be 1000% fun, 1000% serious, and 1000% profitable all at the same time. Do you think you can do your job by being a wet rag? Playing dead is a game of revenge. Tell your Gremlin to, "Sit!"
What if it is perfectly okay for you to be alive and happy? What if it is okay for you to be you as a Possibility Manager? Fully tapped out. Pedal to the metal. Go!
Sing until the song sings you. Allow yourself to be moved to tears. So what? The bigness of your vision is true. Let it blast through you so it can do its work in the space. Sing out for everyone.
Yes you can. You have always wanted to do this level of work with people. You have always wanted to give this much. It is okay. Go ahead. The world has been waiting for you. When you let yourself be moved by Service, then Service will move you. It is always a new beginning. Do not worry about it. Let it rip forth. You have gotten this job on your bench because you can do this job. By putting it all out there it makes room for the next thing to show up. Take the risk to be big. If you won't, who will?
Timidness and uncertainty are so painful. Try something different. Try being absolutely certain and sure, just as an experiment. It is easy. Possibility Managers are granted permission to do this. Pain only comes from withholding and blocking the flow of value that is begging to pass through your eyes and lips, your touch. Let yourself expand beyond all your imagined limits. Take the risk to be big.
Why not?
Just Go! and Go! And when it is all over, when they flock around to give you their appreciation and thanks, let it in. Receiving their gift to your Bright Principles is also a gift to them. Otherwise you are too good for their praise, and you kill them. You do not have to worry about receiving praise, because the praise is not for you; it is for what you represent. If you let it go through you then you are the connection that allows people to send their praises to Life for letting them be alive. It is okay to be that. You have permission. Let it in, pass it on up the line, and say, YES! All of it is celebration.
Clean up efficiently. Even the little pieces of masking tape and dropped pushpins. Smile and nod while you put the chairs back in place. Do not exchange substances with the fans. Leave nothing behind but your gratitude. Vanish from the space, and then vanish the space. Conserve your energy. Your next job awaits you. In fact, it is happening right now.
Vanish from the space. Vanish the space. Leave no trace.
There Are Existing Possibilitator Gameworlds
...ready and waiting for you to play in
Human beings interact with each other through Gameworlds.
In next culture - Archiarchy - people interact through Gaian Gameworlds.
An Adult on the Path of authentic adulthood initiatory processes
gains the capacity to build and inhabit new gameworlds
which make the existing gameworlds irrelevant.
Building and inhabiting new gameworlds creates a new future
and changes the world.
"Build it and they will come."
But if you don't build it, no one even has a chance of coming to inhabit it.
Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld...
Possibilitator Experiments
Live In A Context Of Unusual Clarity
Matrix Code PBILTATR.01
Distinguish and NAME OUT LOUD in each moment (or in your Beep! Book) your ongoing Feelings and Emotions. (Keep them separate, even in while you experience them!)
Move into the the Context of Radical Responsibility for your Feelings and Emotions. What this means is:
- Use the energy and intelligence of your Feelings to handle things.
- Use the energy and intelligence of your Emotions to heal things.
This Experiment is to Set the Context and refuse to leave the Space that has this Context, even if no on around you understands the Context you are living in. Feel your Feelings and Emotions of interacting with anyone around you, putting on the table your Feelings and Emotions and what they are about.Move Your Point Of Origin To The Possibilitator Context
Matrix Code PBILTATR.02
What is your Point Of Origin?
Get your Possibility Team together and help each other find out what a Point Of Origin is.
In particular, find out into which Context you long ago hammered your Point into.
This is the Context our of which you are living your life (consciously or unconsciously) right now.
That Context determines your values, your Rules Of Engagement, your ability to connect and relate, your Thoughtware, your Distinctions, your Possibilities...
How do you move your Point Of Origin stake from one Context to another Context? And why would you want to? Such a move would seem dangerous, unusual, and scary:
- like leaving your parent's home and joining the Army...
- like leaving the University and entering an authentic secret next-culture wizard training school for women that no one else has ever heard of...
And even if you decide you want to, how does someone move their Point Of Origin from one Context to another Context?
Go do the research. Find out how, and why. Figure it out yourself.
Then, if you truly want to, if you are ready, responsibly arrange for someone who is skilled in Holding and Navigating Possibility Management Floor Processes such as this 'Point Of Origin Relocation Process' to provide this service for you.
They will Hold and Navigate the Process while you transit that 'no-woman's-land' between wherever you Assumed you must keep your Point Of Origin to survive, into a different place, perhaps, for example, the Radical Responsibility Adulthood Initiation Context of a next-culture Possibilitator.
As soon as you complete the Point Of Origin Relocation Process - assuming you do complete the Process - write and publish a 3 page article explaining how relocating your Point Of Origin to the context of a Possibilitator (or wherever else you put it...) is possible, how it feels, and what it does for you.
Have Fun.
Consciously Interact With Other Contexts
Matrix Code PBILTATR.03
Every Space has a unique Context.
You are a Possibilitator.
A Possibilitator has a precise and conscious relationship to the Context of each and every Space. This is because, in the same way that "The Space determines what is Possible," the Context determines the Space.
This Experiment invites you to deepen your relationship to Context through several approaches simultaneously, even if you cannot yet enact any of the factors 'perfectly'. Study these 'Possibilitator Hints' and see how well you can practically apply them in your day-to-day Possibilitator interactions.:
- Use your Purpose Sniffer to detect the Purpose of the Bright Principles and Shadow Principles at work in the Space.
- Locate the Spaceholder of each Space. If you do not find any Conscious Spaceholder in a Space, then the Conscious Spaceholder is YOU, even if someone else has the 'title' of President, Facilitator, Teacher, Leader...etc. To not do your Spaceholding work means you are willing to disrespect yourself (and your Archetypal Lineage) enough to waste your time in an unheld space. This does not mean that you use your Gremlin to hijack the Space and forcibly convert it to your own Context and Purposes. Neither does it mean you won't do that. Often a Possibilitator helps Hold and Navigate the Space through precise Space-shifting questions and comments, and through using energetic Possibilitator tools as Conscious Theater to Flow Power to the 'official' Spaceholder.
- Immediately become hyper-clear and hyper-aware of the 'Rules Of Engagement' of the Gameworld within which this Space is called to order. (Under which auspices is this Context called to order?) It is crucial to be radically (painfully) clear that if no Gameworld Context is specified (for example in the Program of the Conference, or in the logos in the website) then the Space is called to order in the name of the Capitalist Patriarchal Empire of modern culture, and these are the Rules Of Engagement that apply. By the way, these are the same Rules Of Engagement that are exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
- Put the 'Rules of Engagement' and the Context of the Space on the table, as your first - and perhaps only - item of business. By sourcing this Transformational Metaconversation, you immediately bring the background (Shadow Purposes and Hidden Competing Commitments) of the conversation into the foreground, which more-often-than-not reveals the source of the conflicts and blockages that undermine the Space. Yes, by revealing 'Context Confusions' and by clarifying Purpose, some of the people (and their Gremlins...) may leave the Gameworld to look for better feeding grounds... In those times it is helpful to consciously grieve their departure through a Requiem Process so that those who remain in the Gameworld can move through the 5 Phases Of Change together and better occupy the new group configuration.
- Through gaining Clarity about the Context's Distinctions, the Rules Of Engagement, and the Conscious and Unconscious Purposes of a Space, you locate and pay obeisance to the 'Presiding Deity of the Space'. As an 'Agent Of Possibility' you functionally produce the same results as an 'Agent Of Transformation'. This is because having the power of 'reinventing what is Possible' equates to having the power to Cause Transformation. There is nothing particular to negotiate with the Presiding Deity of a Space. But there is a warning: NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON IT. Often the Presiding Deity of a Space sits on the wall directly above the main Doorway into and out of the Space. If when you enter a Space, you turn and locate the Deity and Flow a bit of Power to it for a moment by slightly nodding your head in its general direction, it will be delighted and leave you alone or even help you do your Work in the Space, even if you are 'off duty', so to speak.
- Every conversation and interaction - even as brief as a glance!!! - has a Space and a Context. Your Being has Presence. It takes special shadow skills to make the Presence of your Being invisible, especially if you have spent years Building Matrix that holds more consciousness. What this means is that you will be noticed. You will often be noticed as 'different', or even 'suspiciously different', sometimes even classified as 'probably dangerous'. You would be the one to blame, the one to gang-up on for 'mobbing'. Every now and then you will be the one to ask... to be the Doorway for Clarity and Possibility for an individual or an organization. The suggestion is to not expect any of it, and yet be ready for all of it. Forewarned is forearmed, so they say. No amount of 'innocence' (read that as 'naivete') will protect you from abuse. The suggestion is to play a different game, a game of being publicly and inquisitively clear about the context of the conversation, and to not get off it.
- Respect your own Context as much as you respect the Context of the people who massively outvote you. This is not about being fair, or politically correct. Until you negotiate mutually agreed intimacy, someone Expecting you to use LGBTQ pronouns with them is no different from an Assidic Rabbi Expecting you to say Shabbat Prayers on Friday night, or Clinton Callahan Expecting you to say, "Goddam shit fucking pissant bastard twerp asshole idiot nerd" between each sentence when speaking with him. Expectations are Gremlin food in the same way that hitting yourself in the head with a hammer is painful. Not realizing this does not change the results. That is why it is so useful to become some kind of expert in Culture-To-Culture Conversations to the degree that you never leave the Context you consciously choose to inhabit, even if no one around you is aware that your Context is radically different from theirs.
This Experiment is to dedicate one hour during each of your next three (online-or-offline) Possibility Team spaces to studying and deepening your understanding of the Possibilitator Hints given above. Practice training each other in groups of 2 (Possibilitator plus someone who role-plays a Client) or, better, 3 (the third person Coaches the Possibilitator) in real-time Go! Beep! Shift! Go! coaching sessions for 20 minutes each person. In particular, developing strong skills in Vacuum Rapid Learning will prove to be crucial for successful Culture-To-Culture Conversations.Provide Unusual Clarity For Others
Matrix Code PBILTATR.04
This Experiment is to distinguish and consider NAMING OUT LOUD in each moment (as a Metaconversation) in a Space you are Holding for the Feelings and Emotions of others.
NOTE: This only works after you have calibrated your own Feelings Detector... In other words, when you are in Phase 2 of Feelings Work. So... do that first.
Providing unusual clarity becomes so much simpler if you use your Sword Of Clarity to stop confusing Feelings and Emotions in others. Feelings and Emotions have completely different Purposes. You cant detect their Purpose using your Purpose Sniffer!
Mostly people go around unconsciously feeling Emotions and living in Reactivity.
What is miraculous about this is that You can still be you while they be their Hurt Child, Scolding Parent, Devious Gremlin, Citizen Zombie, etc. in Emotional Reactivity.
You do not have to join them in adaptively being the same things they are being in their unconsciously chosen Context.
You can still be Love, Respect, and Transformation while communicating clearly with other Beings without being like them. This is one of the great joys of being a Possibilitator.
One way to regularly provide unusual Clarity for others is through Navigating the Space of a weekly online-or-offline S.P.A.R.K. Study Group.
Move Towards Problems Instead Of Away From Them
Matrix Code PBILTATR.05
Your Box probably has a Problem-Avoidance function that automatically moves you away from any Problem that your Gremlin cannot use for its own Gremlin food, such as for Rescuing someone, for Persecuting yourself or someone else, or for being a Victim of... so as to get revenge upon...
Your Box's Problem-Avoidance function makes somewhere between three-quarters to nine-tenths of the Problems occurring around you right now, completely invisible to you.
This Experiment is to do a little modifying Self Surgery on the Problem-Avoidance function of your Box so that it continues to detect problems / conflicts / tensions / breakdowns etc. but that is sends you an impulse to move towards them as a Possibilitator rather than away from them as a Gremlin.
Behind this Experiment is the theory that most problems are given to you by E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) so that you can practice Being a Possibilitator in one of two ways:
- E.C.C.O. gives you a Problem to practice being a Possibilitator by simultaneously giving you one or more solutions to that Problem within one arm's reach. Literally, within a meter of where you stand there will be one or more solutions to that Problem waiting for you to figure out and apply. Try this 'One Meter Theory' as your first approach, rather than looking to other people who you think are 'skilled' or even 'professionals' in solving this kind of problem, or going elsewhere to collect up what your mind imagines you might need to solve the problem, walking away from solutions that are within one meter right in front of you (or right behind you...).
- E.C.C.O. gives you a Problem as a Doorway to connecting with and Causing Transformation as a service for another person or organization. In other words. E.C.C.O. uses a Problem as a way to put a Job on your Bench! Now... how can you know if this is truly a Job on your Bench? The answer is... you cannot know this for sure. The suggestion from us Possibilitators is to experimentally apply Radical Reliance on E.C.C.O. If you Radically Rely on E.C.C.O. you assume this is a Job they intentionally put on your Bench. By facing into this as a True Job you will sense a difference. EITHER the Problem is a neurotic Projection of your Box and Gremlin and you sense the Box's Purposes (defensive, controlling, being right) or your Gremlin's Purposes (superiority, revenge, destroying intimacy) at work. OR, your Bright Principles (and Archetypal Lineage) will immediately be called into play and be well used.
Provide Possibilitator Value Through Your Mere Motionless Presence
Matrix Code PBILTATR.06
Your Presence as a Possibilitator is formidable.
This is because you can, in reality, create, destroy, and transform Possibility, one of the most valuable resources in the Universe.
You are an unlimited treasure of Possibility, and you are okay with giving it away in the right circumstances. It is the kind of Treasure that grows when you successfully give it away.
Whether you are a 'beginning' Possibilitator who has just been through Expand The Box training, read a book or two, been in some online-or-offline Possibility Teams, or you are a more experienced Possibilitator already departed from the patriarchy, left behind your corporate job, succeeded in some of your authentic adulthood initiatory processes, escaped from some of your 8 Prisons, and are delivering online-or-offline Study Group, Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, Rage Club, feeding your Circle with your Newsletter and your Website, doing WorkTalks and Workshops, inventing and inhabiting your Gameworld... either beginning or further along the Path it does not matter.
As a Possibilitator you are formidable without doing anything, simply because you represent the potential for creating and navigating nonlinear Possibility.
Your potential is not predictable, not controllable, not repressible. It is truly there, and you cannot not represent it.
This potential is irrepressible because, as the Space through which your Bright Principles can do their work in the world, you are an archetypal force of nature.
This Experiment is to stand in Being a Possibilitator... to stand as that, wherever you go, no matter what Space you are in, no matter what you are doing, no matter what else is happening, for 24 hours a day, for the next 14 days.
Two weeks.
...or perhaps the rest of your life...
Do not allow anything to get you out of the Possibilitator Context even for one instant.
Why not go ahead and commit to this? It could be incredibly super! It could be totally High Level Fun! It could branch you into a totally new future. Ho!
Since your Gremlin will be at your side as your Possibilitator ally, you will be holding a Gremlin-free space.
Therefore, be sure to consciously feed your Gremlin during these 2 weeks the 5 foods from your Gremlin Feeding List on your Gremlin Feeding Day so that he or she can count on being well fed even in these Gremlin-free spaces.
Also be sure to consciously assign your Gremlin interesting jobs to do such as: spotting other Gremlins and informing you, keeping you Unhookable, staying Centered, adapting to nothing, being Unreasonable, being Attentive, etc.
Staying Present as a Possibilitator includes so many benefits that you never even have to defend yourself to others about it. Simply remain clear about in the difference between the Context you are in and the Context they are in while staying in connection with them.
Being Present while occupying the Possibilitator Context avails you of so many incredible potentials all at the same time. You do NOTHING. You simply BE. The full potential is represented because you are simply Being right there with everyone else in the Space. You are:
- In First Position.
- 13 Tools at your waist.
- Possibility Stone for a Small NOW.
- Sword Of Clarity out.
- Present.
- Voice Blaster ready.
- Purpose Sniffer ready.
- Bullshit Detector on.
- Holding your grounded Personal Space plus a grounded Work Space.
- Bright Principles flowing through you.
- Archetypal Lineage freely at the ready.
- Unhookable.
- Your Box is optional.
- Your Gameworld with its Context supports you.
- The Global Gameworld of Possibility Management with the Trainer Guild and the Trainer Path as your platform.
- The Global network of Possibility Managers are your allies.
- You stand there in Experiential Reality and Expansive Learning.
- Radically Honest and Radically Responsible in Conscious Theater to Cause Transformation.
- Standing on Nothingness.
- Listening as a Space.
- Speaking from the Unknown.
- Living Full Out in 5 Bodies.
- Representing the objective Doorway for anyone who wants to (and is able to) make use of it, that, no matter what seems to be happening, no matter what seems to have happened in the past, "Something completely different from this is Possible right now."
This Experiment is to get okay with letting people around you experience the unrestricted Being and the unrepressed Presence of an actual Possibilitator (YOU) who is in eye-to-eye connection with them, while you make Nothing of it.Unfold Each Incident Where You Stop Being A Possibilitator
Matrix Code PBILTATR.07
What force in the Universe is powerful enough to make you stop being a Possibilitator?
Probably it happens due to a Button, Hook, Trigger, Trauma, Voice, or old decision.
Your job is to identify exactly what is going on that takes you away from yourself.
Do this Experiment at your Possibility Team. The Experiment has 2 Parts.
Get in groups of 3. Work for 12 minutes in each constellation. About 45min total.
Role-Player: Asks questions to the Possibilitator and writes down the answers in the Possibilitator's Beep! Book.“When/Why do you stop being a Possibilitator?”
“What stops you from occupying the life of a Possibilitator?”
Possibilitator: Answers these questions and navigates themselves to go deeper into the source of their answers. Self Observation is the core of this conversation.
Coach: Coaches the Possibilitator to allow feelings to come, to allow the 5 Bodies to answer, and coaches the Role-Player to keep asking the next question.PART 2: ROLE-PLAYER PLAYS OUT THE POSSIBILITATOR'S INNER STORIES (10 minutes)
Role-Player: Shifts identity into the answers/reasons/excuses/sentences/emotions the Possibilitator has given to them. The Role-Player has a conversation with the Possibilitator using the answers given, reflecting and exposing the inner chatter/Low Drama that usually is going on inside the Possibilitator’s head.
Possibilitator: Feels consciously and answers, and has a conversation with their own stories.
Coach: The Coach coaches the Possibilitator into feeling and into speaking what is happening in them, picking up any old decisions and emotions, Triggers, Buttons, Hooks. The Coach does not resolve the situation for the Possibilitator, meaning you do not offer possibilities or solutions. The Coach also coaches the Role-Player into staying in their role, without also the role-player becoming the rescuer or the Coach.- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PBILTATR.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!